# class Tween

new Tween(schema) // -> Tween
new Tween(schema, options) // -> Tween
// -- or --
Tween.create(schema) // -> Tween
Tween.create(schema, options) // -> Tween

A Tween is the primary tool for creating animations. It is an operator (opens new window) that can be called with an Observable (opens new window) of times and output an Observable of states.


  • {Object} schema
  • {Object} options
    • {Number | String} options.tweenDuration = '100%' - Default duration
    • {String | Function} options.easing = 'linear' - Default easing


import { of } from 'rxjs'

const times = of(0, 1000, 2000)
const tween = Tween.create({ x: 1 }).in('2s', { x: 2 })
const states = tween(times)
states.subscribe(state => console.log(state))
// -> { x: 1 }
// -> { x: 1.5 }
// -> { x: 2 }

# Tween.duration

tween.duration // -> Number

The current total duration of the tween. (read only)

# Tween.at()

tween.at(time) // -> Object

Get the tween state for a given input time.


  • {Number} time - Time in milliseconds (ms)

# Tween.by()

tween.by(endTime, frame) // -> this
tween.by(endTime, frame, easing) // -> this
tween.by(endTime, duration, frame) // -> this
tween.by(endTime, duration, frame, easing) // -> this

Specify a transition ending at endTime.


  • {Number | String} endTime
  • {Object} frame - The target frame
  • {Number | String} duration
  • {String | Function} easing


tween.by('1s', { x: 1 })
tween.by('1s', '50%', { x: 1 })
tween.by('1s', '0.5s', { x: 1 }, 'quadOut')

# Tween.in()

tween.in(delay, frame) // -> this
tween.in(delay, frame, easing) // -> this
tween.in(delay, duration, frame) // -> this
tween.in(delay, duration, frame, easing) // -> this

Specify a transition ending delay time after current tween duration.


  • {Number | String} delay - Time after "now" (current tween duration) to end the transition
  • {Object} frame - The target frame
  • {Number | String} duration
  • {String | Function} easing


// a steady increase
  .in('1s', { x: 1 })
  .in('1s', { x: 2 })
  .in('2s', { x: 4 })

# Tween.loop()

tween.loop() // -> this
tween.loop(false) // -> this

Enable or disable looping of the tween. By default, tweens do not progress past their duration and remain fixed at the last frame. Looping restarts the tween at the beginning when the input time is longer than the tween duration.


  • {Boolean} toggle = true - Set to false to disable looping.


// a smooth oscillation
Tween.create({ x: 1 }, { easing: 'quadInOut' }) // start at x = 1
  .in('1s', { x: 2 }) // transition to x = 2
  .in('1s', { x: 1 }) // transition back to x = 1

# Tween.to()

tween.to(frame, options) // -> this

Specify a transition with the target state and timing information.


  • {Object} frame - The target frame
  • {Object} options - Two of the following specified
    • {Number | String} options.startTime
    • {Number | String} options.endTime
    • {Number | String} options.duration
  • {String | Function} options.easing - The easing function


tween.to({ x: 1 }, { startTime: '1s', endTime: '2s' })
tween.to({ x: 1 }, { startTime: '1s', duration: '1s' })
tween.to({ x: 1 }, { duration: '1s', endTime: '2s', easing: 'quadOut' })
tween.to({ x: 1 }, { duration: '50%', endTime: '2s' })
tween.to({ x: 1 }, { duration: '0:01', endTime: 2000 })

# Tween.withTime()

tween.withTime() // -> this

Includes the time in the state output.


  • {String} label = 'time' - The property label to use for the time variable


const tween = Tween.create({ x: 1 }).withTime().in('2s', { x: 2 })
animationFrames().pipe(tween).subscribe(state => {
  const currentTime = state.time
Last Updated: 9/14/2021, 1:54:49 PM