# Interpolators

All interpolators are contained in this namespace.

All interpolators take the form

(from, to, t) => result
  • from - start value
  • to - end value
  • t - fractional time [0, 1]

# Pre-defined Interpolators

# array

Interpolates arrays of numbers.

# degrees

Interpolates in the direction of shortest angle in degrees.


// goes clockwise, since that is shortest path
Interpolators.degrees(0, 270, 0.5) // -> -45

# linear

Interpolates numbers. (same as lerp())

# object

Interpolates objects with numeric properties.

# radians

Interpolates in the direction of shortest angle in radians.


// goes clockwise, since that is shortest path
Interpolators.radians(0, 3 * Math.PI / 2, 0.5) // -> -0.7853981633974483

# string

Interpolates strings by starting with an empty string and building up to the end.


Interpolators.string('start', 'ending', 0.5) // -> 'end'

# toggle

For arbitrary types. Immediately switches to the end state upon completion.

Interpolators.toggle('Hello', 'World', 0.5) // -> 'Hello'
Interpolators.toggle('Hello', 'World', 1) // -> 'World'

# Interpolator Factory Functions

This set of functions is used to create interpolators.

# makeCyclic()

makeCyclic(len) // -> Function

Make a cyclic iterator (similar to degrees or radians) with a specified cycle length. It will transition taking the shortest path between the start and end values.


  • {Number} len - The length of the cycle

# makeForArray()

makeForArray(interp) // -> Function

Make an interpolator for arrays of a custom type.


  • {Function} interp - The function to use to interpolate the array's members


// for arrays of strings...

# makeToggle()

makeToggle(threshold) // -> Function

Create a toggle interpolator that changes at a custom time


  • {Number} threshold - The fractional time ([0, 1]) to switch
Last Updated: 9/14/2021, 5:49:55 PM